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  • Revert of the new logo, minor edits to the documentation, accepted Anchit PR
  • Reverted to plain code rather than Carbon for the code snippets.
  • No changes to Python code


  • Aesthetic documentation updates


  • GitHub action for CI/CD to publish to live PyPi
  • Minor documentation updates


  • Changed to Netlify for documentation site deployment
  • GitHub action for CI/CD to publish to Test PyPi

1.3.0 (Refactor, June 2023)

  • GitHub repo is transferred from Andy Law to the Faculty of Clinical Informatics.
  • Extensive refactor to add new features such as generation of NHS numbers.
  • Adds documentation site published to GitHub Pages with GitHub Actions publication.
  • Adds GitHub Actions for CI/CD to publish to PyPI.
  • Python version support added for 3.11
  • Python version support dropped for 3.5, Python 2, etc


  • Adds support for additional Python versions (3.8, 3.9, 3.10).


  • Original package is known as nhs-number on PyPI and NhsNumberChecks on GitHub.